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sep releases management innovation, management improvement results

in order to promote the development of sep's management innovation and management improvement as well as exchange and popularize the company's outstanding management results and best practices, sep held the management innovation and management improvement results release meeting at caojing power plant on october 28. sep president and deputy party secretary wang huaiming attended the meeting and delivered a speech. deputy president huang chen presided over the meeting.



wang huaiming affirmed the company's achievements made in management innovation and management improvement this year, and expressed congratulations and thanks to the winning companies, collectives and individuals. he noted that the company's management innovation results won prizes and achieved s good ranking in spic, which was encouraging. nonetheless, the company's management innovation and management improvement work has not been carried out in an adequately balanced manner, with the level of the achievements relatively lower than that of the first-class players, and the degree of emphasis and recognition needs to be further enhanced.



he stressed that all the staff should have a profound understanding of the significance for the company to conduct management improvement and management innovation, and fully realize that the implementation of management innovation work is the clear requirement of the party central committee, spic party leadership group, shanghai municipal party committee and shanghai municipal government, the internal need for the company to achieve the goal of becoming the pioneer and pacesetter of spic in building a world-class clean energy enterprise, and the necessary foundation for improving the enterprise's organizational performance and accomplishing healthy and sustainable development. he also put forward a few requirements as follows: first, leaders, especially major leaders, of various companies should push forward the management innovation of their organizations in person; second, adhere to target-oriented and problem-oriented approach, focus on solving the prominent problems which restrict the enterprise's transformation and upgrading, and aim to catch up with and surpass the advanced ones and become the benchmark; third, reinforce the application and conversion of outstanding achievements, reproduce and spread the typical experience and best practices to more companies, further release the enthusiasm and creativity of the staff through the innovation of mechanism and system, and elevate sep's management innovation to a higher level and make better achievements.



at the meeting, huang chen announced the winning list of sep at spic management innovation results selection in 2019 and list of sep outstanding management innovation and management improvement results in 2018. policy and legal affairs department gave an introduction to the development of management innovation and management improvement work. the meeting released and communicated the three outstanding results which won the first prize and second prize at spic management innovation results selection in 2019 and three results which were chosen as sep outstanding management improvement results in 2018.



a total of 70 people, including the members of sep management improvement and innovation committee office, leaders in charge of management innovation and management improvement work of various affiliated companies of sep and related personnel, participated in the meeting.

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