detail sep holds 1st enlarged party committee meeting in 2020-pg电子娱乐官方网站

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sep holds 1st enlarged party committee meeting in 2020

on january 17, 2020, sep party committee held the first enlarged meeting of the party committee in 2020 at the company headquarters, studied the spirit of spic's fourth enlarged party leadership group conference in 2019 in an in-depth manner, summarized the working highlights in 2019, analyzed the current situation and existing problems, mulled over the implementation measures for the company's key tasks on jykj, and discussed the working ideas and major tasks for 2020.

sep party secretary and chairman wang yundan presided over the meeting, conveyed the spirit of spic conference and made a summary speech. deputy party secretary and president wang huaiming gave a speech in written form. party committee members and deputy presidents guo baohong, huang chen and xia meixing, party committee member and cfo chen wenhao and party committee member and discipline inspection committee secretary li e attended the meeting, summarized the work done in 2019, put forward opinions and suggestions on the key tasks in 2020 centering on the work spheres of which they are in charge respectively.
wang yundan said that 2019 marks a year when sep made concerted efforts to obtain fruitful achievements. he also summed up the year of 2019 with six key words including "pressing ahead steadfastly", "jykj", "high-quality development", "reform and innovation", "corporate image" and "party building", noting that the company has done a remarkable job throughout the year, and has achieved hard-won results, thanks to the sweat and toil of all the strivers of sep.

faced with new situation and new tasks, sep should focus on sharpening the ability of countercyclical growth, international operation and continuous climbing, hold to the belief that "confidence is more important than gold", apply the working method unifying problem orientation, goal orientation and result orientation properly, forge ahead toward the set goal while continuing to solve problems, unite people and gather strength in the process of gaining development results, and accelerate the realization of "sep dream", said wang.
he stressed that the company should make the planning for the 14th five-year plan period well, maintain a strategic focus, stick to doing certain things while refraining from doing other things, keep adapted to the trend, and uphold practicality and effectiveness, in order to ensure that the planning will be carried out in place.
regarding the work in 2020, wang required all to adhere to xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era as a guidance, fully implement the spirit of the 19th cpc national congress, the second, third and fourth plenary sessions of the 19th cpc central committee, as well as the working requirement of shanghai municipal party committee and municipal government, unswervingly focus on the execution of spic's strategy, follow the requirement for high-quality development, appreciate the situation, adapt to the trend, realize value creation, insist on lawful, scientific and strict corporate governance, persist in "focusing on development, increasing profit and promoting harmony", persevere in building and applying spi and jykj systems excellently, carry out the "two-hundred action" comprehensive pilot reform creatively, stick to doing something more important by leaving other things undone, underline increasing the net profit attributable to the parent company, ensure to achieve the annual tasks and goals and strive to overfulfill them as the pioneer and pacesetter of spic.

sep general counsel wu ming, deputy chief economists zhang jian and shi mingwei, deputy chief engineer dai sufeng, and major leaders of various departments and affiliated companies of sep joined in the meeting.

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