detail sep party committee conveys greetings to staff's family members on front line of virus battle-pg电子娱乐官方网站

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sep party committee conveys greetings to staff's family members on front line of virus battle

in the face of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, sep party committee actively responded to the call of spic party leadership group, carefully sorted out a total of 108 family members of the company's staff  fighting on the front line against the epidemic, and immediately submitted the list to spic party affairs department. on january 29 and 30, sep party committee sent the consolation letters of spic party leadership group and the company's party committee to all these employees by wechat and other means, indicating 24-hour hotline and contact person to provide help for their families anytime.

on january 31, sep party secretary and chairman wang yundan, and related personnel of spic made phone calls to the two employees whose family members were fighting against the epidemic in hubei province respectively, inquired about their situation, asked whether they had any difficulties, and urged their families to take care of their health. wang yundan left his own mobile phone number, so that the employees could reach him directly if they have any difficulty. meanwhile, he required the company's party affairs department and the staff's affiliated company party organization to further care about their mental state as well as and work and living conditions.
the party secretaries of the relevant unit and the main responsible persons of the unit also had conversations with relevant employees by telephone the first time, learned about their work and life, inquired about the problems that need to be solved by the organization, and required the party branch secretaries of the employees to visit them regularly. the consolation payments for the family members or relatives of the 108 employees were also made on january 31. on february 1, party organizations at various levels once again called the families of the related employees to see if they had any need for help and whether they needed to extend the holiday.
the staff who received the condolence letters expressed gratitude of their families and their own to the care of spic party leadership group and sep party committee. they expressed that they felt very warm in such a big family and will take good care of their families, continue to work hard and never stop until we win the battle against the epidemic.
as the head nurse of shanghai changning district mental health center, yang huiqing, younger sister of yang hongjuan, an employee of wujing thermal power plant, volunteered to go to the front line to support wuhan, hubei province, the contagion's epicenter, at the most severe moment of the epidemic. after receiving the letter of consolation from sep party committee, yang hongjuan said she will convey the regards to her sister, while responding to the request from sep to all party members, taking good care of the family, making her sister focus on work without worries behind take practical action to play the role of party member in the battle against the epidemic.
hong yan, wife of zhao chengyu, an employee of sep engineering, served as the head nurse of the department of gastroenterology of shanghai no. 4 people's hospital. once a member in the medical team aiding wenchuan earthquake in 2008, she volunteered again to help in the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in wuhan. having received the letter of condolence from spic party leadership group and sep party committee and greetings from the party organization via wechat, hong yan replied with a few simple and touching words of "thank you, peace and victory",  showing the powerful positive energy of united efforts against difficulties in the bid to win the war of epidemic prevention and control.
as a frontline medical worker, mother of zhou bangan, an employee of dafeng offshore wind power, replied: "please convey my sincerest thanks to your company. thanks to the company leaders for the care and love toward us as the staff's family members. in face of the covid-19 outbreak, it is my obligation as a medical worker to fight against the disease actively and combat for the health of the people."
we firmly believe that we will definitely win the war against the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak with such a strong backing and joint efforts of us all.
sep party committee will continue to care about these families until total victory is won in this battle.

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