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sep deploys work on overseas epidemic control, production stabilization

on march 25, 2020, sep held the ninth working meeting of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production leading group as well as a special meeting on epidemic prevention and control and stabilization of work and production for overseas key projects, which was the fourth special meeting on the study and deployment of overseas epidemic prevention and production stabilization after three such meetings held on march 20 and march 23. wang yundan, sep party secretary, chairman and leader of epidemic prevention and control leading group, presided over the meeting. wang huaiming, deputy party secretary, president and deputy leader of the leading group, and the company leadership and leading group members guo baohong, huang chen, xia meixing, chen wenhao and li e, attended the meeting, which was held both on-site and off-site via videoconference.

at the meeting, the representatives from sep's overseas subsidiaries in turkey, malta and japan, i.e., emba, sepm and sep japan, gave speeches on the current epidemic situation in their respective host countries, epidemic prevention and control and stabilization of work and production as well as the next-step work plan via video link.

first of all, wang yundan fully affirmed the overseas subsidiaries for their careful work and contributions made in the epidemic prevention and control and stabilizing work and production on behalf of sep party committee, and expressed sincere greetings and heartfelt thanks to the cadres and workers sticking to the front-line production and operation posts overseas.

wang yundan pointed out that all the overseas units should proceed with firm confidence, improve the political stance, implement the work deployment of spic party leadership group and sep, always put the safety of personnel as the top priority, carry out various prevention and stability measures solidly, and strive to win victory in the fight of overseas epidemic prevention and production stabilization resolutely.

wang yundan required all the departments and overseas subsidiaries of the company should work together and carry forward the "three thousands" hardworking spirit to prevent and control the overseas epidemic and stabilize work and production, and constantly complement and improve the corresponding practices, systems and response plans according to the situation.

at the end of the meeting, wang yundan cited a well-known song in the 1980's titled "young people, let's come and meet together" to encourage all the frontline staff of the overseas units, looking forward to the triumphant return of those heroes fighting the virus abroad. the lyrics are as follows:

who shall we lean on to work miracle?
it's up to no one but you and me, bro.
twenty years from now we meet once more,
will you feel guilty or not, looking back on now?
in this war against the virus we fight shoulder to shoulder
thanks to you and me, and our team working together.
dear friends, let's raise glasses with pride,
laughing and singing, holding heads up high,
glories belong to our generation, you and i!

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