detail spic website: caojing power plant wins awards in national thermal power unit efficiency competition-pg电子娱乐官方网站

spic website: caojing power plant wins awards in national thermal power unit efficiency competition

recently, china electricity council (cec) unveiled the result of national 600 mw-class and 1000 mw-class thermal power unit efficiency benchmarking and competition of 2016, and unit 1 and unit 2 of caojing power plant won the second prize and third prize of 1000 mw-class ultra-supercritical unit competition respectively.


the competition conducted comprehensive assessment on indicators of unit reliability, economic efficiency, technical supervision and environmental protection, and the two units of caojing power plant has excellent grades in various indicators. over the years, the power plant has been taking unit efficiency improvement as the starting point, positively overcoming various objective factors influencing the economic efficiency of the units including increase in blending combustion proportion of economic coal types, reduction in utilization hours of units and year-by-year decrease in load rate, adopting energy-saving technological retrofit, environmental protection equipment upgrading and lean operation measures, and fully tapping the biggest potential of the units in order to break the "first-mover disadvantage", which ensured the good performance in this efficiency competition.

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