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china electricity council website: supervisory board chairman for key large state-owned enterprises xiong weiping inspects malta, montenegro projects

from june 1-7, chairman of the supervisory board for key large state-owned enterprises xiong weiping together with a delegation went to malta and montenegro to conduct a special research on sep overseas assets. spic party member and chief accountant wang yihua participated in the inspection.


during his inspection, xiong visited the dispatching center of enemalta, d3 power generation limited and montenegro wind power project, and listened to a series of special reports on sep's overseas development strategy, achievements made at the present stage, development process of malta energy investment project, operation and management situation of sep (malta) holding ltd. (sepm), oil-to-gas conversion project progress of d3 power plant, preliminary project construction progress of montenegro wind power project, and implementation of rectification requirements put forward by the supervisory board during its overseas assets inspection in 2016.


xiong fully affirmed sep's development ideas and strategic layout as the pioneer of spic's overseas development, and also praised the company's effective implementation of the follow-up work on the special inspection of the supervisory board in 2016. he pointed out that the success achieved by sepm at this stage was based on the guidance and support of spic and sep, and also embodied sepm's implementation of "treating strivers as the backbone" by spic. sepm's project, featured with "small investment but big influence, small scale but big potential, late comer with good experience", not only received wide attention within spic, but also won highly recognition from its partners and local community, which highlighted the overseas brand effect of spic and sep.


xiong expressed that sep, through a few years of overseas project development practice, has innovated the management model and business model, and established an overseas talent team, which provides reference for the "going global" practice of spic. malta project, despite its small scale, has produced an influence far more than expected, which deserves further summarization and sharing of experience. he hoped sep to make overall planning and coordination in the next step, consider the capital and human resources allocation of malta project comprehensively, take sepm as the platform to establish a progressive development mode like a snowball in the european market, and meanwhile carry out public relations management positively, deepen mutual trust and leverage respective advantages together with partners, and continue to make every solid step in overseas development.


wang yihua hoped sepm to fully leverage its localized strength in the future, cultivate more international talents, further improve the company's management system and mechanism, and realize sustainable development.


during his inspection, xiong also visited chinese ambassador to malta jiang jiang and chinese ambassador to montenegro cui zhiwei respectively.


the related leaders of spic general office (board of directors office), spic finance and assets management department and sep accompanied them on the inspection.

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