detail spic website: tsukuba ibaraki pv power plant starts commercial operation-pg电子娱乐官方网站

spic website: tsukuba ibaraki pv power plant starts commercial operation

on july 22, 2017, sep japan announced that the 30 mwp tsukuba ibaraki pv power plant, constructed and managed by the company, was put into operation completely. as the third pv power plant which started commercial operation after nanko osaka pv power plant and sanda hyogo pv power plant, the project marked spic's another solid step toward the objective of constructing 1 gw of power generation capacity in japan by 2020.


in february 2015, sep japan established the project company with a japanese enterprise to jointly develop tsukuba ibaraki pv power plant, which started construction on march 10, 2016, and realized partial grid connection on december 8 with trial operation from december 15. in july 2017, the power plant passed the final review of the japanese ministry of economy, trade and industry (meti), and became operational, with the in-grid energy subscribed by tokyo electric power company in total.


located in tsukuba, ibaraki prefecture of japan, the power project covers 750 mu (50 hectares), adopting chinese-made products as pv modules, with a japanese enterprise undertaking epc general contract and sep japan in charge of construction and management.

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