detail spic website: sep 1000 mw units explore heat supply market-pg电子娱乐官方网站

spic website: sep 1000 mw units explore heat supply market

in the face of weak electricity market demand and high coal market prices in recent years, sep caojing power plant which owns two sets of ultra-supercritical 1000 mw units has been actively changing the concept, implementing the transformation requirements of sep for expanding living space with market-oriented thinking and "one enterprise, one policy", utilizing the geographical advantage of being located in caojing chemical industry park, and exploring the heat supply market.


under the premise of "standard actions" such as improving work safety, competing for more power generation and blending combustion of economical coal types, caojing power plant took the opportunity of unit-class maintenance to conduct heat supply capacity expansion retrofitting, and effectively improved the heat supply capacity of the units. at present, the maximum heat supply capacity of each unit could reach 200 t/h. meanwhile, the power plant continued to strengthen hidden danger troubleshooting for the heating system, replaced the valves on the high pressure side of the heating system with imported valves gradually in combination with the formulation of spare parts plan, improved the reliability of heating equipment solidly, and ensured the heating safety strictly.


in 2018, the power plant completed heat supply of 1.5556 million tons in total, increasing 36.12 percent year on year, and achieved heating revenue of rmb 251 million, up 70/74 percent year on year, with daily and monthly heating amount hitting new highs frequently. among them, the power plant realized monthly heating of 203,300 tons in may and daily heating of 7,199 tons on july 25, both reaching the historical highs.


at the same time, caojing power plant cooperated closely with its associate company caojing cogeneration located in the same chemical industry park, formed a business model of joint heating, created a strong support for comprehensive power supply in caojing chemical industry park together, enhanced the customer loyalty in the industry park effectively, and realized a win-win cooperation of "1+1>2".


in the new year, the power plant will continue to push forward the technological breakthrough in single unit heating of 600 t/h, which will become the first in china, strive for a new high in heating efficiency, cooperate closely with caojing cogeneration, build an advanced energy technology developer actively, and lay a solid foundation for seizing the potential heating market in caojing chemical industry park.

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