detail sasac website: spic to spare no effort to help improve ciie volunteer service-pg电子娱乐官方网站

sasac website: spic to spare no effort to help improve ciie volunteer service

in order to deeply implement of president xi jinping's requirement to "make it better", sep, a subsidiary of spic, selected 28 excellent youth league members to become the volunteers for the long-term management positions of the second china international import expo (ciie), accounting for 25% of all the long-term management post volunteers. among the 28 employee volunteers, 22% of them participated in the ciie volunteer services for two consecutive years, which made sep the central soe with the most volunteers on ciie long-term management posts for two consecutive years.



during the ciie volunteer service period, various departments of sep provided powerful support in the logistics work to ensure safe, orderly and efficient volunteer services of its staff, including scheduling vehicles back and forth from the conference venue, offering accommodation and catering to volunteers from other provinces, providing heatstroke prevention and cooling products, holding group birthday parties, sending the mid-autumn festival greetings, etc.



at the meantime, sep input all the data on registration, recruitment, training, service duration, service effect evaluation and guarantee and incentive measures of volunteer services into the cloud platform of voluntary services. currently, the platform has more than 3,000 registered staff volunteers of the company.


at the eve of the ciie, these volunteers expressed that they will always stick to the forefront of the ciie service and guarantee work, strive to become the pioneer and pacesetter of ciie volunteer service team, jointly sound a clarion call for spic and sep to build first-class clean energy enterprise, and attempt to assume a new mission in the new era.

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