detail spic website: sep wujing power plant awarded rmb 2 million subsidy in shanghai-pg电子娱乐官方网站

spic website: sep wujing power plant awarded rmb 2 million subsidy in shanghai

at the end of november 2019, sep wujing power plant passed the audit on clean production work by shanghai municipal commission of economy and informatization, and was awarded the subsidy of "special fund to encourage enterprises to implement clean production" in 2019.

clean production is a new creative idea that aims to save energy, reduce the consumption of raw materials, and reduce the production and emission of pollutants. wujing power plant has been committed to clean production activities in compliance with sep's purpose of "providing green energy and serving the public". since the completion of the "old plant renovation" in 2010, the power plant has made a big step towards green energy. in the past two years, the power plant has invested in the wide-load de-nox, ultra-low flue gas pollutants emissions, coal handling system dust removal facilities and other related environmental protection retrofitting projects, and carried out a series of energy-saving measures such as united start-up of hp-ip cylinders, saving coal of 1,978 tons per year and electricity of 370,000 kwh per year, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 2,202 tons per year, nitrogen oxide emissions by 1,079 tons per year, and dust emissions by 1,383 tons per year, which laid a solid foundation for establishing a good corporate image.

at the same time, the power plant grasps the national policy of encouraging clean production in a timely manner under the guidance of sep, seeks support in energy conservation and emission reduction, and strives for policy and financial support to the greatest extent. the power plant set up a clean production audit team led by the plant leaders in early 2019, consulted experts for advice, pooled the strength of various departments to provide detailed and accurate information for the application for clean production fund, finally passed the expert group review and public notification by the end of november, and obtained a special subsidy of rmb 2.4547 million, which contributed to the pollution reduction and efficiency enhancement of the enterprise while realizing energy conservation and consumption reduction.

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