detail sep offers rmb 70m reward, aims for first-pg电子娱乐官方网站 sep offers rmb 70m reward, aims for first-class strategy

"a reward of rmb 70 million will be offered, with a maximum of rmb 1 million for individuals!" that was the big news from sep party committee meeting held recently.

just as a stone stirs up a thousand waves, the news has been widely discussed within the company for a while. it was out of everyone's expectation that sep party committee took out an additional 70 million yuan reward on top of the 90 million yuan budget for all types of awards just at the beginning of the year of the ox, so as to inspire the staff to carry forward the "spirit of the ox", i.e., serving the people as willing steers, blazing new trails in development as pioneering bulls and engaging in an arduous struggle as hardworking oxen, and accomplish outstanding tasks, become excellent talents and score prominent awards with great ambitions and tremendous efforts.

according to zhang yiqun, deputy director of sep human resources department, the company's leadership led the relevant departments to hold a brainstorming session on the incentive matters the day before returning to work after the spring festival holiday. it was said that the meeting was held in a "festive" atmosphere, which was warm, inspiring and fruitful. and the amount of reward was increased from 58 million yuan to 70 million yuan step by step, with the highest individual award raised to 1 million yuan from 300,000 yuan and the number of reward matters added to 11 from 9.

"assessment and incentives should not be carried out by 'spreading thinly everywhere'," sep party secretary and chairman hu jiandong said categorically, "those goals that are comparatively easy to achieve will no longer be regarded as reward matters. to do a good job is the due responsibility, while those fail to complete them will be held accountable." he also stressed the importance of taking the initiative at work, "it is our ample reward that will stimulate people's subjective efforts and make the impossible possible, and we should make the reward impressive and inspiring enough!"

the company's clean energy proportion to reach the average level of spic in 2021; seven integrated smart energy projects in key areas to start construction; the asset-liability ratio at the end of the year to accomplish the assessment target of spic; the completion of the annual asset disposal goal; each loss-making unit to turn around; the aggregate profits of renewable energy quality and efficiency improvement to reach 60 million yuan鈥ll the 11 tasks to be rewarded are extremely difficult. according to sep president wei juliang, those tasks mainly involved the three major categories of development, operation and management improvement. "they will profoundly affect the company's development in the 14th five-year plan period (2021-2025) and are of great challenge and strategic significance," he added.

it is worth mentioning that the amount of the reward for development category is up to 30 million yuan, of which the first place is to improve the proportion of clean energy. it means that the scale of clean energy to be put into operation within this year will exceed the total of that directly controlled by the company in the past years. confronted with such a lofty reward, most of the colleagues engaged in project development admitted that they were under enormous pressure, and that to accomplish this goal of "scaling the heights" is no easy job, and thus more people must be motivated to become outstanding strivers and exert their utmost strength.

this year marks the centenary of the founding of the cpc and the opening year of the 14th five-year plan, and is also an extremely important year for sep to realize transformation and development. to achieve this herculean task calls for more value contributors to fight together.

on the eve of the spring festival, sep party committee gave an award of 150,000 yuan to an employee who found a major defect. for the first thing to do in the chinese new year, they studied the assessment and incentives devotedly. the reason for this is that they realized that grasping the incentive is grasping the difficulty and core of management. in this process, they should insist on "one highlights and two strengthens", i.e., highlighting performance-oriented approach and strengthening value concept and risk concept, and advocate clearly the striver-based, value-contributor-oriented principle so that the people with great value contribution will be promoted and respected.

it is time for people to work hard in spring. the year of 2021 is an extremely important year for sep to realize transformation and development. to achieve this herculean task calls for more value contributors to fight together. once this atmosphere is formed, we believe that more people will be encouraged to become value contributors, the enthusiasm of the majority of cadres and employees will be mobilized to create value, the "first-class strategy in 2035" will be implemented at sep first, and the mighty strength converged to accomplish tasks and start business is on the way.

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