detail spic website: sep ensures power supply to malta in hot summer-pg电子娱乐官方网站

spic website: sep ensures power supply to malta in hot summer

since late june, malta has been hit by heat waves continuously and the power supply was under heavy pressure. in order to ensure smooth power supply under the high temperature, sep (malta) holding ltd. (sepm) has been running at full capacity to bring coolness to the local residents in the hot summer.

delimara 3 power plant, located in marsaxlokk, malta, is controlled and operated by sepm. in order to respond positively to the power grid dispatching, all the internal combustion generation units of d3 power plant ran at full capacity with the emergency start-up of the standby turbine units, operating at full load around the clock.

on august 5, the load on the national grid of malta reached a record high of 565 mw. delimara 3 power plant generated a total of 62.85 gwh of electricity in july, accounting for a quarter of grid's electricity sales that month.

in order to ensure safe and stable operation of the units, the staff at d3 power plant endured high temperature of over 50 degrees celsius and noise, and carried out equipment inspection and on-site maintenance guidance without stop. they worked on site for 4 to 5 hours a day, with sweat soaking their work clothes.

li yanbiao, a chinese manager at the power plant, was impressed by the good atmosphere of chinese and maltese employees working together. "the production crew of the two sides work well together, conduct operations in the summer heat and encourage and support each other," he said.

in a recent interview with xinhua, maltese foreign minister evarist bartolo said that the oil-to-gas conversion of d3 power plant has played an important role in reducing carbon emissions, while sep has made significant contributions to ensuring malta's power supply self-sufficiency. he also looked forward to further strengthening cooperation between malta and sep to promote the development of clean energy.

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